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A fast X-ray transient EP240331a detected by Einstein Probe

ATel #16564; X. Pan, M. J. Liu, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, Z. X. Ling, C. C. Jin, H. Q. Cheng, W. Chen, C. Z. Cui, D. W. Fan, H. B. Hu, J. W. Hu, M. H. Huang, D. Y. Li, T. Y. Lian, H. Y. Liu, Z. Z. Lv, X. Mao, H. W. Pan, H. Sun, W. X. Wang, Y. L. Wang, Q. Y. Wu, X. P. Xu, Y. F. Xu, H. N. Yang, W. Yuan, M. Zhang, W. D. Zhang, W. J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, D. H. Zhao (NAOC, CAS), Y. Chen, W. W. Cui, H. Feng, J. Guan, D. W. Han, S. M. Jia, C. K. Li, W. Li, C. Z. Liu, F. J. Lu, L. M. Song, J. Wang, J. J. Xu, J. Zhang, S. N. Zhang, H. S. Zhao, X. F. Zhao, (IHEP, CAS), E. Kuulkers, A. Santovincenzo (ESA), P. O'Brien (Univ. of Leicester), K. Nandra, A. Rau (MPE), B. Cordier (CEA), on behalf of the Einstein Probe team
on 1 Apr 2024; 16:14 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Yuan Liu (

Subjects: X-ray, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 16567

We report on the detection of a fast X-ray transient EP240331a at 2024-03-31T22:07:17 (UTC) by the Wide-field X-ray Telescope (WXT) on board the Einstein Probe (EP) mission during a calibration observation. The source position is R.A. = 169.414 deg, DEC = -20.042 deg (J2000) with an uncertainty of 20 arcmin (radius, 90% C.L. statistical and systematic; the large positioning uncertainty is due to the so far incomplete calibration of the CMOS detector which detected the source). The light curve shows a symmetric profile with a duration of around 100 s. The averaged spectrum of the flare can be fitted by an absorbed powerlaw with a photon index of 0.74(-0.30/+0.31) (with absorption NH fixed at the Galactic value 3.44 x 10^20 cm^-2). The derived average unabsorbed 0.5-4 keV flux is 1.8(-0.3/+0.3) x 10^-9 erg/s/cm^2. No previously known bright X-ray sources are found around this position. Further multi-wavelength follow-up observations are encouraged to identify the nature of this X-ray flare.

The above observation was made with the WXT instrument during the commissioning phase of EP. Launched on January 9, 2024, EP is a space X-ray observatory to monitor the soft X-ray sky with X-ray follow-up capability (Yuan et al. 2022, Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics). EP is a mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in collaboration with ESA, MPE and CNES.