FAST non-detection of FRB20240216A
ATel #16482; Weiwei Zhu(NAOC), Shuo Cao(YNAO), Jintao Xie(Zhejiang Lab), Yongkun Zhang(NAOC), Heng Xu(NAOC), Jinlin Han(NAOC), Di Li(NAOC), Kejia Lee(PKU & NAOC), Bing Zhang(UNLV), Yi Feng(Zhejiang Lab), Jinchen Jiang(NAOC), Weicong Jing(NAOC), Ye Li(PMO), Wanjin Lu (NAOC), Rui Luo (GZHU), Chenhui Niu(CCNU), Jiarui Niu(NAOC), Qin Wu(NJU), Tiancong Wang(BNU), Pei Wang(NAOC), Fayin Wang(NJU), Weiyang Wang(UCAS), Ziwei Wu(NAOC), Yuanpei Yang(YNU), Wenfei Yu(SHAO), Yuhao Zhu(NAOC), Dejiang Zhou(NAOC), Chunfeng Zhang(NAOC), and FAST FRB Key Science Project Collaboration
on 24 Feb 2024; 13:27 UT
Credential Certification: Weiwei Zhu (
Subjects: Radio, Fast Radio Burst
Following the discovery of FRB20240216A reported by the ASKAP/CRAFT collaboration (ATEL #16468) the FAST FRB key science project team observed the position given in the ATel: RA: 10:12:19.9 DEC: +14:02:26 for one hour using the center beam of the 19-beam L-band receiver onboard the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). Our observation was taken between UTC2024-02-22 17:22:00 and UTC2024-02-22 18:22:00 with a ROACH2-based backend with 49.152 us time resolution and a 0.122 MHz channelization in the 1.05-1.45GHz band. We detected no radio burst with dispersion
measure between 305 and 315 pc cm^{-3} and with S/N above seven sigma, equivalent to about 69 mJy ms fluence limit for a fiducial pulse of width 50 ms (Lin L. et al. 2020 Nature). This result could indicate that either 1. the source activity may have varied since its detection on 2024-02-16; 2. the L-band emission is much weaker; or 3. the position of the source may be outside of the 3 arcminute diameter
FAST center beam.
We plan to take more observations toward the direction of the source and encourage follow-up observations and precise localization of the repeating FRB.
Lin, L.; Zhang, C. F.; Wang, P. et al. Nature 2020, 587, 63