ASKAP detection of a repeating fast radio burst source
ATel #16468; Keith Bannister (CSIRO Space & Astronomy), Adam Deller (Swinburne University of Technology, SUT), Vivek Gupta (CSIRO Space & Astronomy), Joscha Jahns-Schindler (SUT), Ryan M. Shannon (SUT), Yuanming Wang (SUT), and Ziteng Wang (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University) on behalf of the ASKAP/CRAFT collaboration
on 22 Feb 2024; 10:33 UT
Credential Certification: Ryan Shannon (
Subjects: Fast Radio Burst
Referred to by ATel #: 16482
We report the discovery of a repeating fast radio burst source FRB20240216A detected by the Australian SKA Pathfinder. The FRB source was detected with the recently commissioned CRAFT coherent (CRACO) image-plane fast transient detector. Two bursts were detected with a signal to noise ratio greater than 9, and burst widths of 41 and 55 ms. Three further bursts below the search threshold were identified on further inspection of the data.
The bursts were detected at the position (J2000) of RA: 10:12:19.9 DEC: +14:02:26. The position uncertainty is approximately 30 arcsec in both right ascension and declination. A refined position will be possible after additional post processing.
The arrival times (UTC, topocentric, at a reference frequency of 800 MHz) of the bursts and their signal to noise ratios are
2024-02-16 17:41:56.32 S/N: 6
2024-02-16 17:42:02.91 S/N: 8
2024-02-16 17:42:14.15 S/N: 17
2024-02-16 17:42:22.65 S/N: 20
2024-02-16 17:42:49.50 S/N: 7
The signal to noise ratios reported above were estimated from a tied array filterbank at the position of the burst source. The signal to noise ratios reported by the search pipeline for the two bursts it detected (the third and fourth bursts listed above) are 11 and 13, respectively.
The bursts were reported at a dispersion measure of 310 pc cm^-3. This is well in excess of the Galactic contribution, predicted to be 37 pc cm^-3 from the NE2001 model (Cordes & Lazio 2001, arXiv:0207156) and 28 pc cm^-3 from the YMW16 model (Yao et al,. 2017, ApJ, 835, 29).
The field the source was detected in has been observed by ASKAP/CRACO regularly during February 2024, with a total integration time of 13 hours since 2024-02-01. No other bursts with a signal to noise ratio in excess of 9 have been detected from the source in those observations.
The bursts were detected in offline image-plane searches of visibilities recorded from the central 24 antennas of the array. The visibilities were recorded with 13.8 ms temporal resolution, at a central frequency of 943 MHz with a total bandwidth of 288 MHz and a spectral resolution of 1 MHz.
We encourage follow up of the source.
Dynamic spectrum of brightest burst detected from FRB20240216A