VLA 10 GHz Observations of SN2023ixf
ATel #16056; David Matthews, Raffaella Margutti (UC Berkeley), Kate D. Alexander (University of Arizona), Joe Bright (University of Oxford), Yvette Cendes, Edo Berger (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Tanmoy Lasker (University of Utah), Maria Drout (University of Toronto), Danny Milisavljevic (Purdue University)
on 27 May 2023; 00:53 UT
Credential Certification: Raffaella Margutti (rafmargutti@gmail.com)
Subjects: Radio, Supernovae
We report radio observations of SN2023ixf with NSFâs Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). We observed SN2023ixf with the VLA on May 23rd 2023 beginning on-source at 00:24:09 UT (~4 days since discovery, Project Code SF151070, PI: Margutti) at X-band (8-12 GHz) with the array in B-configuration for a duration of approximately 40 minutes. We find no evidence for statistically significant radio emission at the location of SN2023ixf with a preliminary 5x RMS upper limit of 33 uJy.
Further observations are planned.
We thank the entire VLA team for carrying out these observations.