Pre-discovery and followup V-band photometry of SN2023ixf
ATel #16054; D. Singh, G. Visweswaran, Chris Kagy, V. K. Agnihotri, M. Bisht, K. Belwal, D. Bhowmick, D. Bisht, A. Raj, S. K. Chakrabarti
on 25 May 2023; 14:40 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Ashish Raj (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report V-band photometric observations of SN2023ixf using different size telescopes, namely the 80mm UV/IR+CMOS, India, 330mm Lum+CMOS, USA, 80mm Lum+CMOS, USA and 610mm Vasistha telescope at IERCOO, Sitapur, ICSP, Kolkata. The reported magnitudes also include those obtained from pre-discovery images obtained by D. Singh from Amarkantak, India
The supernova was discovered by K. Itagaki on 2023-05-19.727 UT.
Photometric calibrations are done using Tycho software and ATLAS catalogue.
Photometric Observation of SN2023ixf
at M101
Epoch |
Magnitude |
Filter |
JD2460084.090 | 16.530±0.240 | V |
JD2460084.094 | 15.260±0.240 | V |
JD2460084.097 | 15.050±0.240 | V |
JD2460084.101 | 15.190±0.240 | V |
JD2460084.105 | 14.920±0.240 | V |
JD2460084.119 | 15.260±0.240 | V |
JD2460085.199 | 12.825±0.070 | V |
JD2460086.299 | 11.856±0.060 | V |
JD2460086.597 | 11.446±0.005 | V |
JD2460086.680 | 11.380±0.010 | V |
JD2460086.798 | 11.464±0.018 | V |
JD2460087.173 | 11.946±0.090 | V |
JD2460088.350 | 11.095±0.004 | V |
More details can be found here