VLA observation of LS V+44 17 during the giant outburst of 2022-2023
ATel #15913; Shobha Kumari (MCC), Sabyasachi Pal (MCC), Manoj Mandal (MCC), Arijit Manna (MCC)
on 22 Feb 2023; 18:59 UT
Credential Certification: Manoj Mandal (manojmandal@mcconline.org.in)
Subjects: Radio, Neutron Star, Star, Transient
The Be/X-ray binary pulsar LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431 is currently going through a giant outburst, which was started on 2022 December 29 (ATel #15835) and followed up in multi-wavelengths (ATel #15848, #15868, #15874, #15880, #15892, #15907). We made a follow-up DDT observation of the source in centimeter wavelengths using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) on MJD 59992 during the declining phase of the outburst.
The VLA observation was carried out for this transient source on 17 February 2023 (MJD 59992) between 21:05:34 to 22:00:22 (UTC) with VLA-B configuration. The data was reduced using the Common Astronomy Software Application (CASA) with the VLA data reduction pipeline. We did not detect any significant radio emission at the position of LS V+44 17 at frequency bands L (1−2 GHz), C (4−8 GHz) and X (8−10 GHz). The preliminary analysis suggests a (3σ) upper limit from the source location at 57 μJy (1.46 GHz), 6 μJy (5.94 GHz) and 4 μJy (8.94 GHz). We found an NVSS source J044105.59+443018.0 at 1.9 arcminute distance from LS V+44 17 with flux-densities 11.8 mJy at L-band, 1.96 mJy at C-band and 1.32 mJy at X-band respectively.
On MJD 59992, Swift/BAT recorded a source count rate of nearly 1.2 Crab in the 15−50 keV band.
We thank the NRAO staff for providing DDT observing time and supporting this observation.