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Detection of Renewed Gamma-Ray Flare from the Radio Galaxy NGC 1275 with the MACE telescope

ATel #15856; K K Yadav on behalf of MACE team (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India)
on 11 Jan 2023; 13:17 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Kuldeep Yadav (

Subjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, TeV, VHE, AGN, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 15938

The MACE (Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment) telescope has detected renewed flaring episode from NGC 1275 (RA=03:19:48.1, DEC=+41:30:42, J2000.0, z=0.0179) in the very high energy gamma-ray domain. The source was being continuously monitored with MACE since the detection of its recent flare in December 2022 (Atel #15819, #15820, # 15823 and #15852). On the night of January 10-11, 2023 (MJD 59954.57- 59954.62), NGC 1275 was observed with MACE for a total observation time of ~80 minutes in the zenith angle range of 10 to 17 deg. Preliminary data analysis using MAP (MACE data Analysis Package) indicates detection of (1758 +- 223) excess events from the direction of NGC 1275 with a statistical significance of ~7.87 sigma in a total live time of approximately 73 minutes which corresponds to a source flux level of ~1 Crab Unit. We encourage follow-up multi-wavelength and multi-messenger monitoring of the source. The MACE telescope is an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope located at Hanle (32.8 deg N, 78.9 deg E, 4270 m asl), Ladakh in India. It is equipped with a large quasi-parabolic light collector of 21m diameter and 1088 photomultiplier tubes based imaging camera.