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BVR colors of the near-Earth asteroids (285263) 1998 QE2 and (387733) 2003 GS

ATel #15812; Alberto S. Betzler (UFRB-CETENS), Orahcio F. de Sousa (UFRB-CFP)
on 15 Dec 2022; 19:23 UT
Credential Certification: Alberto Betzler (

Subjects: Optical, Asteroid, Solar System Object, Potentially Hazardous Asteroid, Asteroid (Binary)

Referred to by ATel #: 16137, 16315

We observed these near-Earth asteroids with a Celestron 0.35-m f/11 robotic telescope equipped with a SBIG ST -7XME camera and RGB filters on Mount Teide (ES) (MPC code G40). We acquired RGB sequences on June 3.107, 6.068, and 6.951, 2013 (1998 QE2), and on June 25.057, and 26.211, 2014 UT (2003 GS). The instrumental magnitudes of these asteroids were calibrated by differential photometry using 10 to 15 comparison stars on the images. The Johnson-Kron-Cousins magnitudes in the V-band and the B-V and V-R color indices of the comparison stars were estimated by applying a polynomial relation between the 2MASS J-K color and the BVRI magnitudes of the Landolt standard stars proposed by Warner (2007, MPBu, 34, 4). The determination of the instrumental multicolor magnitudes and the calibrated B-V and V-R color indices, as well as the V magnitudes, was performed with a program written in Python using the photometric routines of the Astropy project's photutils package (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, A&A, 558, 33A). The weighted mean colors of these objects are B-R=1.0+/-0.1 and 1.2+/-0.1; V-R=0.37+/-0.02 and 0.47+/-0.03, respectively. These values are similar to those of Hicks et al.(2013, Atel, 5121) (B-R=1.05+/-0.01; V-R=0.35+/-0.02) and Hicks et al.(2014, Atel, 6090) (B-R=1.2+/-0.01; V-R=0.47+/-0.01).