Spectroscopic classification of ZTF22aawvlku/AT2022psk
ATel #15554; Stephanie Figuereo, Kevin McKinnon, Rafael Nunez, Stefan Kimura, Puragra Guhathakurta (UCSC), Monika Soraisam (NOIRLab)
on 15 Aug 2022; 20:39 UT
Credential Certification: Monika Soraisam (monika.soraisam@noirlab.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the spectroscopic observation of the transient ZTF22aawvlku/AT2022psk from the SALVATION project (ATel #13952). It was flagged from the ZTF public alert stream by the ANTARES alert-broker. The spectrum was obtained on 2022 August 04 UT with the Kast double spectrograph on the Shane 3-m telescope at Lick Observatory.
Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase
ZTF22aawvlku | AT2022psk | 17h46m24s | +17d39m16s | 0.096 | Ia-norm | -18 to 6 days
Classification for the supernova was performed with DASH (Muthukrishna et al. 2019, arXiv:1903.02557).
Light curve can be accessed at https://antares.noirlab.edu/loci/ANT202288hrcxrayxnl.