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MAXI/GSC detection of the X-ray transient MAXI J1957+032 (J1956+035)

ATel #15440; H. Negoro (Nihon U.), W. Iwakiri (Chuo U.), Y. Kawakubo (LSU), M. Nakajima, K. Kobayashi, M. Tanaka, Y. Soejima (Nihon U.), T. Mihara, T. Kawamuro, S. Yamada, T. Tamagawa, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), T. Sakamoto, M. Serino, S. Sugita, H. Hiramatsu, A. Yoshida (AGU), Y. Tsuboi, J. Kohara (Chuo U.), M. Shidatsu, M. Iwasaki (Ehime U.), N. Kawai, M. Niwano, R. Hosokawa, Y. Imai, N. Ito, Y. Takamatsu (Tokyo Tech), S. Nakahira, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Ishikawa, M. Tominaga, T. Nagatsuka, T. Kurihara (JAXA), Y. Ueda, S. Ogawa, K. Setoguchi, T. Yoshitake, K. Inaba (Kyoto U.), H. Tsunemi (Osaka U.), M. Yamauchi, T. Sato, R. Hatsuda, R. Fukuoka, Y. hagiwara, Y. Umeki (Miyazaki U.), K. Yamaoka (Nagoya U.), and M. Sugizaki (NAOC)
on 19 Jun 2022; 02:15 UT
Credential Certification: Hitoshi Negoro (

Subjects: X-ray, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 15444, 15446, 15448, 15455, 15456, 15457, 15460, 15462, 15466

The MAXI/GSC nova alert system triggered on a faint X-ray transient source at 17:26 UT on June 18, 2022. The position is consistent with that of the short-lived X-ray transient MAXI J1957+032. MAXI detected four outbursts from MAXI J1957+032 in 2016 (ATel #7504, #7506, #8143, #8529, #9565, also see Mata Sanchez et al. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 564; Beri et al. 2019, MNRAS, 486, 1620). Since then, MAXI had not detected MAXI J1957+032.

The 4-10 keV flux is about 40 mCrab, and at this moment no obvious decline in flux is recognized. We also tentatively name the source MAXI J1956+035 after the current best position.

Followup observations are encouraged.

Trigger Information