KITS Spectroscopic Classification of Transients with Keck II + NIRES
ATel #15234; S. Tinyanont, K. W. Davis, M. J. Bustamante-Rosell, R. J. Foley (UCSC)
on 22 Feb 2022; 16:52 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Samaporn Tinyanont (
Subjects: Infra-Red, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 15242
We report the following classifications from spectroscopic observations with the NIRES spectrograph on the Keck II telescope, made on 2022 Feb 22 UT as part of the Keck Infrared Transient Survey (KITS), a NASA Keck Strategic Mission Support program. The targets were supplied by ATLAS.
Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes
ATLAS22dth | AT2022bdw | 08:25:10.35 | +18:34:57.62 | 0.038 | I | pre-peak | (1)
ATLAS22gcd | AT2022crr | 15:24:49.14 | -21:23:21.75 | 0.019 | | | (2)
(1) AT2022bdw shows a continuum in the NIR with a broad emission feature centered at 1.083 micron, likely from He but could be from the metal line complex centered around that wavelength. Redshift is from the host's SDSS spectrum.
(2) We observe a featureless spectrum that peaks at roughly 1.1 micron.