Radio non-detections of 3 TDEs
ATel #15090; Kate D. Alexander (Northwestern U.), Adelle J. Goodwin, James Miller-Jones (ICRAR - Curtin), Sjoert van Velzen (Leiden U.), Tarraneh Eftekhari, Aprajita Hajela (Northwestern U.), Tanmoy Laskar (Radboud U.), and Yvette Cendes (Harvard U.), on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 8 Dec 2021; 12:34 UT
Credential Certification: Kate Alexander (
Subjects: Radio, Transient, Tidal Disruption Event
We report new radio observations taken as part of our VLA Large Program dedicated to tidal disruption events (TDEs). Following their public classification by ZTF (Gezari et al. 2021, AstroNote 2021-103; TNS Classification Report No. 10315; TNS Classification Report No. 9924), we observed the TDEs AT2021ehb, AT2021mhg, and AT2021nwa with NSF's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). The data were reduced in CASA using NRAO's standard VLA calibration pipeline. We report the non-detection of radio emission to the following 3-sigma upper limits:
Name | Date (UT) | Mean Obs Freq (GHz) | Upper Limit (microJy)
AT2021ehb | 2021 Mar 28.85 | 15.0 | 20
AT2021mhg | 2021 Aug 20.31 | 15.0 | 14
AT2021nwa | 2021 Jul 17.09 | 15.0 | 19
Further observations are planned to check for late-rising radio emission.
Our VLA Large Program (20B-377) began in December 2020 and will continue until 2023. We plan to target new publicly-reported TDEs discovered at z < 0.1, to determine the prevalence of radio emission in TDEs. We will report new results from this program to the community via ATels, TNS AstroNotes, and on our program website ( For collaboration, or to suggest new targets, please contact the program PI (Kate Alexander, or one of the program co-Is.