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[NeV] and coronal [FeX] emission appear in the spectra of RS Oph

ATel #14895; U. Munari (INAF Padova), P. Valisa (ANS Collaboration), and P. Ochner (Univ. Padova)
on 5 Sep 2021; 19:35 UT
Credential Certification: U. Munari (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 14910

We are maintaining a tight spectroscopic monitoring of RS Oph, with high resolution spectra being obtained each day since the onset of the 2021 outburst with the Varese 0.84m + Echelle (range 4250-8900 Ang, resolving power 18000), and at a similar pace in low resolution with the Asiago 1.22 + B&C (range 3200-7800, dispersion 2.3 Ang/pix). A pictorial atlas of the spectral evolution of RS Oph as recorded with these two instruments has been presented by Munari and Valisa (2021, arXiv 2109.01101).

The 2021 outburst of RS Oph is being observed at all wavelengths, stretching from gamma-rays to radio ((ATel #14834, ATel #14840, ATel #14845, ATel #14846, ATel #14848, ATel #14849, ATel #14850, ATel #14851, ATel #14852, ATel #14855, ATel #14860, ATel #14863, ATel #14864, ATel #14866, ATel #14868, ATel #14872, ATel #14882, and ATel #14886).

Following the appearance of high ionization emission lines (Shore et al. ATel #14881, ATel #14883) and turn on of the super-soft X-ray emission (Page ATel #14885, ATel #14894), RS Oph is now displaying strong [NeV] 3427 emission and coronal line [FeX] 6375 in our optical spectra. [FeXI] 3987 is not present yet.

The appearance of both [NeV] and [FeX] preeceded the emergence on Sept 4 of a clear SSS source in RS Oph. The first detection of [FeX] 6375 on our Varese 0.84m Echelle spectra occoured on Sept 2, and on the same date [NeV] 3427 became visible with the Asiago 1.22m + B&C. On our latest spectra for Sept 5.76 [FeX] has become much stronger than [FeVII] 6087.