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A new Glitch in the Vela Pulsar (PSR B0833-45/PSR J0835-4510)

ATel #14806; V. Sosa-Fiscella (IAR, ARG - RIT, USA), E. Zubieta (UBA, ARG), S. del Palacio (IAR, ARG), F. Garcia (RUG, NL), F. A. Lopez-Armengol (RIT, USA), J. A. Combi (IAR - FCAGLP, ARG), C. O. Lousto (RIT, USA), G. Gancio (IAR, ARG), L. Combi (IAR, ARG), E. Gutierrez (IAR, ARG), A. Simaz Bunzel (IAR, ARG), F. Hauscarriaga (IAR, ARG), on behalf of the PuMA Collaboration.
on 23 Jul 2021; 20:46 UT
Credential Certification: Santiago del Palacio (

Subjects: Radio, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 14807, 14808, 14812, 16608

We report here the detection of a new glitch in the Vela pulsar (PSR B0833-45/PSR J0835-4510) with the two single-dish 30 meter antennas Varsavsky (A1) and Bajaja (A2) of the Argentine Institute of Radioastronomy (IAR) as a result of a daily-monitoring performed by the PuMA Collaboration (Pulsar Monitoring in Argentina). The observations reported here are double-polarization, at 1.4 GHz, with a 56 MHz bandwidth.

We observed the Vela PSR on Jul 21 (MJD 59416.6321) for ~3 hr and measured a barycentric period of P_bary = 89.4086241(17) ms, consistent with our ephemeris before the glitch. No glitch was observed during this observation, which ended in MJD 59416.7666. In our first post-glitch observation performed on Jul 22 (started in MJD 59417.6549), we obtained a period P_bary = 89.4065093(15) ms, showing a decrease of DeltaP = 0.113 us with respect to the expected period. This result was confirmed with a subsequent observation on Jul 23.

This preliminary analysis places this new Vela glitch of DeltaP/P = 1.26e-6 between MJD 59416.7666 and MJD 59417.6549. We will continue performing daily monitoring of the Vela PSR at 1.4 GHz during the glitch recovery phase.