OHP spectroscopic observations of AT2021, candidate Nova in M31
ATel #14760; M. Dennefeld (IAP/Paris and Sorbonne University), J. Schmitt, St. Favard, J. Hornstein (OHP and Osu-Pytheas) and C. Adami (LAM)
on 6 Jul 2021; 23:39 UT
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Credential Certification: Michel Dennefeld (dennefel@iap.fr)
We observed at Haute-Provence Observatory (OHP, CNRS, France) the candidate Nova in M31, PNV 00424717
+4118173 = AT 2021scc (Hornoch et al., ATel 14753) on July 6th, 01h50UT, with the new spectro-imager Mistral during its last test runs at the 1.93m telescope. The wavelength coverage was 410-810nm and the spectral resolution 0.05nm per pixel (4 pixels for a 2" slit). The continuum is well detected on the two 900sec exposures obtained in good observing conditions, but the only emission line seen is Halpha at about -100km/s. Halpha displays a clear PCygni profile, indicating an expansion velocity of about -550 km/s. As the object seemed to be brighter on the acquisition image than on the finding chart of Hornoch et al., it might still be in an early phase and would deserve further observations.