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Spectroscopic confirmation of AT2020aafw as a Nova in M31

ATel #14215; C. Adami (LAM-Marseille), M. Dennefeld (IAP-Paris), J. Schmitt, J. C. Brunel, Fr. Dolon, Fr. Huppert, A. LeVanSuu, Fr. Moreau, J. P. Troncin (Observatoire de Haute-Provence and OSU-Pytheas) and D. Russeil & St. Basa (LAM-Marseille)
on 25 Nov 2020; 18:19 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Michel Dennefeld (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

We have obtained spectra of AT2020aafw, a candidate Nova in M31 discovered independently by Hornoch et al. (ATel 14183) and Conjat (TNS report 89872) on Nov. 16 and 17. Observations were made during a test run on Nov. 23.88 UT, with the new, low-dispersion spectro-imager Mistral, attached to the Cassegrain focus of the OHP 1.93m telescope. The spectral range covered was 415-817nm with a resolution of 0.8nm (4 pixels for a 2" slit). The spectrum displays strong, broad Balmer lines, Halpha and Hbeta having a FWHM of 2200 km/s. In addition, a weak, broad OI line 777.3nm is seen also. The object is thus classified as a slow nova still in its optically thick phase. There are also hints of faint emissions just redwards of Hbeta, possibly HeI 501.6 and FeII 516.9 nm, which need however to be confirmed with better S/N ratio, to be able to refine the class of the Nova.