NuSTAR detection of relativistic reflection in AT2019wey
ATel #13957; Yuhan Yao (Caltech), Javier Garcia (Caltech), Brian Grefenstette (Caltech), Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), Amruta Jaodand (Caltech), Sean Pike (Caltech), Murray Brightman (Caltech)
on 20 Aug 2020; 17:09 UT
Credential Certification: Yuhan Yao (
Subjects: X-ray, Transient
On UT 2020 Aug 16, we observed AT2019wey (ATel #13571, #13921, #13932, #13948, #13949) using the hard X-ray telescope Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) under an unanticipated ToO program (Sequence ID 90601315004, PI Y. Yao). The source was detected at 15 count per second. We find the spectrum consistent with a power-law with photon index Gamma=1.8 and a broadened Fe line consistent with relativistic reflection from an accretion disk modeled by RELXILL. The flux over the 3-79 bandpass was 1.2e-9 ergs / cm2 / s.
We thank the NuSTAR PI Fiona Harrison for approving this observation and the NuSTAR operations team for the fast response to our request.