VLA observation of AT2019wey
ATel #13921; Yuhan Yao (Caltech), Dillon Dong (Caltech), S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech)
on 6 Aug 2020; 14:52 UT
Credential Certification: Kishalay De (kde@astro.caltech.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Transient
On 2 August 2020 UT the VLA observed the position of AT2019wey, an optical transient reported to the Transient Name Server (TNS) in Dec 2019. Separately, in March 2020, an X-ray transient consistent with the position of AT2019wey was discovered by the Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) mission (Mereminskiy et al. ATEL #13571). The observation was carried out under Director's Discretionary Time (DDT; Program ID 20A-591; PI Yuhan Yao). AT2019wey was detected at 227 +/-24 micro Jy (uJy) in S-band (central frequency, 3 GHz) and 86 +/- 12 uJy at X-band (10 GHz).
We thank the VLA DDT committee for approving and rapidly scheduling these observations.