A search for radio pulsations from SGR J1935+2154
ATel #13769; Mayuresh Surnis (JBCA, University of Manchester), Bhal Chandra Joshi (NCRA-TIFR), Manjari Bagchi (IMSc), Maura McLaughlin (WVU), Duncan Lorimer (WVU), Harsha Blumer (WVU), Vishal Gajjar (UC Berkeley), Benetge Perera (Arecibo Observatory), P. K. Manoharan (Arecibo Observatory), Benjamin Stappers (JBCA, University of Manchester)
on 30 May 2020; 20:32 UT
Credential Certification: Mayuresh Surnis (msurnis@gmail.com)
Subjects: Radio, Neutron Star, Soft Gamma-ray Repeater, Transient, Pulsar, Fast Radio Burst, Magnetar
Following a series of recent X-ray bursts (Palmer et al., ATEL #13675; Younes et al., ATEL #13678) and the subsequent radio detection of millisecond duration radio bursts with CHIME (Scholz et al., ATEL #13681), STARE2 (Bochenek et al., ATEL #13684) and FAST (Zhang et al., ATEL # 13699), we observed SGR J1935+2154 with the Arecibo Observatory (AO) at P band and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) at L,S and C band at four epochs. The AO observation was carried out on 2020 May 11 09:01:14 UT for a duration of 4200 s (277-377 MHz). The GBT observations were carried out on 2020 May 4 14:46:11 UT for 2400 s (1.1 to 1.9 GHz), 2020 May 5 07:15:47 UT for 2640 s (1.8 to 2.7 GHz) and 2020 May 15 04:23:23 UT for 3600 s (3.8 to 8 GHz) using the Breakthrough Listen (BL) digital back-end (MacMahon et al 2018). We also used GREENBURST (Surnis et al., 2019) in parallel to record data on 2020 May 4 and 2020 May 15.
We did not detect any radio bursts in any of our data. For a burst duration of 1 ms, we report 10 sigma fluence upper limits of 0.12, 0.04, 0.35 and 0.015 Jy ms respectively for P, L, S and C bands.
We would like to note that between the time of our observations and writing this ATEL, there have been several non-detections (Bassa et al., ATEL #13707; Pearlman et al., ATEL #13713; Palliyaguru et al., ATEL #13726 Naldi et al., ATEL #13739) of radio emission from this magnetar.
We thank the staff at the Arecibo and Green Bank Observatory for promptly scheduling these observations. We also thank the Breakthrough Listen team for allowing us to use the BL back-end the the GBT for data acquisition.