Search for radio bursts from SGR 1935+2154 at 408 MHz with the Northern Cross
ATel #13739; Giovanni Naldi (INAF-IRA), Maura Pilia (INAF-OAC), Gianni Bernardi (INAF-IRA), Germano Bianchi (INAF-IRA), Alessio Magro (University of Malta), Giuseppe Pupillo (INAF-IRA), Giancarlo Setti (Universitá di Bologna)
on 17 May 2020; 21:04 UT
Credential Certification: Gianni Bernardi (
Subjects: Radio, Fast Radio Burst
We report observations of the currently active magnetar SGR 1935+2154 (e.g., ATel #13681, #13684, #13685, #13686) at 408 MHz with the Northern Cross radio telescope (Locatelli et al., 2020). The source was monitored at transit, from UT 04:00:41 till UT 04:29:09, in the following days: April 30, May 1 - 8, and May 12-16. Data were searched for bursts using a Heimdall-based pipeline (e.g., Pilia et al., 2020,) searching for bursts in the 0 < DM < 1000 pc cm^-3 range. No detection was found and we placed a 7-sigma upper limit of ~1.4 Jy ms on the fluence of a potential radio burst. Pulsars B0329+54 and B2217+47 were observed as calibration and validation sources and they were detected in 20 sec-long observations with a SNR ~ 620 and SNR ~ 56 respectively. Source monitoring is still ongoing.