Optical spectrum of SN 2020oi (ZTF20aaelulu)
ATel #13404; Anirban Dutta, Brajesh Kumar, G. C. Anupama, Devendra Sahu, D. S. Sujith, Avinash Singh (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru, India
on 15 Jan 2020; 15:21 UT
Credential Certification: G.C. Anupama (gca@iiap.res.in)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
A spectrum of SN 2020oi / ZTF20aaelulu (Ho et al. ATel #13391) was obtained on 2020-01-11 (JD 2458860.3) covering a wavelength range of 380-900 nm, using the HFOSC instrument mounted on the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope of the Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle. The spectrum shows broad features of Mg II, Fe II and Si II, along with the possibility of C II. The SN classification code GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383) indicates that the observed spectrum matches well with the spectrum of Type Ic/Ic-BL supernovae (SN 2007ru, SN 2006aj, SN 2003jd), a few days before the maximum, consistent with the results of Siebert et al. (ATel # 13393). The velocity, based on Si II feature, is estimated to be around 16,000 km/sec.