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INTEGRAL observations of the Galactic Center region: Sgr A* and SAX J1808.4-3658.

ATel #13035; C. Ferrigno, V. Savchenko (ISDC/UNIGE, CH), J. Chenevez (DTU-Space, DK), J. Wilms (ECAP, Germany), E. Kuulkers (ESTEC/ESA, NL) on behalf of the Galactic Bulge monitoring team, E. Bozzo (ISDC/UNIGE, CH), L. Ducci (IAAT, Germany)
on 16 Aug 2019; 22:45 UT
Credential Certification: Carlo Ferrigno (

Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Neutron Star, Pulsar

Following the recent report of enhanced activity from Sgr A* (ATeLs #12768, #13007, #13023), we report measurements derived from INTEGRAL observations.
Sgr A* is not detected by the imaging pipeline in the combined images covering the Galactic Center region performed from 2019-08-15 15:10:48 to 2019-08-16 08:20:18. We derive a flux upper limit by forcing the IBIS/ISGRI spectral extraction at the source location. Assuming a power-law spectrum with index -2 (ATeL #13023) and exploiting an exposure of 36 ks, the 3 sigma upper limit is 4e-11 erg/s/cm^2 in the 30-50 keV energy band, which corresponds to 1e-10 erg/s/cm^2 in the 5-16 keV band. The JEM-X 3 sigma upper limit is 1e-10 erg/cm2/s (6.5 mCrab) in the 3-10 keV band and 1.5e-10 erg/cm2/s (13.5 mCrab) in the 10-25 keV for 10 ks on-source time.

In the same observation, we could detect with IBIS/ISGRI at a significance of about 7 sigma, the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658, recently reported to be in outburst (ATeL #12964,, #13001, #13022). We performed spectral extraction of IBIS/ISGRI data only, as the source is outside the JEM-X field of view. The power-law index is 2.6-0.8+1.2, while the 30-50 keV flux of SAX J1808.4-3658 is 9.3±2.4 × 1e-11 erg/s/cm^2, which corresponds to about 18±5 mCrab (uncertainties at 90% c.l.).