Astrosat Observation of Cygnus X-3 in the Flaring State
ATel #12741; Manojendu Choudhury (IUCAA), Jayashree Roy (IUCAA), Yash Bhargav (IUCAA), Dipankar Bhattacharya (IUCAA), A. R. Rao (TIFR)
on 10 May 2019; 06:26 UT
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Credential Certification: Manojendu Choudhury (
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient
The Galactic microquasar Cygnus X-3 is presently undergoing a flaring state following a two month quiescent phase (ATEL #12510). This has been covered in the radio (ATEL #12668, #12700, #12701) and the gamma-rays (ATEL #12678).
We have observed the source from the X-ray observatory Astrosat, on 30 April-01 May, 2019. The SXT spectra reveals a flux level of about 260 mCrab in the range 0.3 - 8.0 keV. The same observation was also undertaken using the wide band X-ray detectors LAXPC and CZTI.
Coordinated multi-wavelength observation of this source in the present flaring state is encouraged and solicited.