SN 2007ir is a Type Ia supernova, M31 2007-10a is a FeII Nova
ATel #1236; Avishay Gal-Yam (Weizman Institute of Science) and Robert Quimby (Caltech)
on 11 Oct 2007; 21:37 UT
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Supernovae
We observed SN 2007ir (Thrasher et al., CBET 1067; Silverman et al.,
CBET 1077) with the Double Beam Spectrograph (DBSP) on the Palomar
200" telescope on Oct. 9.48, UT. Comparison to archival supernova
spectra via the Superfit package (Howell et
al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1190), shows that SN 2007ir is a Type Ia. The
spectra are quite similar to SN 1994D at 25 days after maximum light
(Patat et
al., 1996, MNRAS, 278, 111).
We also observed the M31 nova candidate 2007-10a (Pietsch et al., ATel
#1230; see also the CBAT M31 novae
page) on Oct 9.39 with the DBSP. The spectra exhibit narrow
hydrogen Balmer and Fe II lines, which is indicative of the Fe II nova
class (Williams
1992, AJ, 104, 725).