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AMI-LA 15.5 GHz observation of the TDE candidate AT2018HCO

ATel #12271; Authors: A. Horesh, I. Sfaradi (HUJI), J. Bright, D. Williams, R. Fender (Oxford), D. Titterington, D. Green (Cambridge), Y. Perrott (VUW), S. van Velzen (UMd and NYU), S. Gezari (UMd)
on 6 Dec 2018; 05:57 UT
Credential Certification: Assaf Horesh (

Subjects: Radio, Transient, Tidal Disruption Event

We observed the field of the TDE candidate AT2018HCO (ATel #12263, TNS Report No. 23352) with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (AMI-LA; Zwart et al. 2008; Hickish et al. 2018) at 15.5 GHz on 2018-12-03.8 for 4 hours. The custom pipeline REDUCE_DC (e.g. Perrott et al. 2015) was used to calibrate and flag the data, with 3C286 as the absolute flux calibrator and J0112+2244 as the interleaved phase calibrator.

We do not detect a source at the phase center, and we set a 3-sigma upper limit of ~80 uJy.

We plan to continue monitoring this source and would like to thank the MRAO staff for carrying out these observations.