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MeerKAT detection of H1743-322 at 1.3 GHz

ATel #12046; Rob Fender (Oxford and UCT), Ian Heywood (Oxford and Rhodes), Patrick Woudt (UCT), James Miller-Jones (Curtin) on behalf of the ThunderKAT collaboration
on 19 Sep 2018; 12:38 UT
Credential Certification: Rob Fender (

Subjects: Radio, Binary, Black Hole

The MeerKAT radio telescope has performed responsive mode observations of the outbursting black hole transient H1743-322 (ATEL #12007) as part of the ThunderKAT Large Survey Programme ( ). A brief log of observations, including the number of antennas used in each observation, is provide below.

2018-09-05 17:12:05.4 0.82h 60 antennas
2018-09-08 17:20:56.6 0.25h 59 antennas

Observations on 2018 Sept 5th reveal a point source with a flux density of 0.42 +/- 0.02 mJy at a central frequency of 1.284 GHz at the coordinates of H1743-322. Observations on Sept 8th indicate an increase in flux density at the same frequency to 1.0 +/- 0.04 mJy. These flux densities and their evolution are rather typical of this source in outburst (e.g. ).

Further observations are ongoing.

ThunderKAT will run for 5 years and aims to monitor all bright, active, southern hemisphere X-ray binaries in the radio band. For further information on this programme please contact Rob Fender and/or Patrick Woudt.

We thank the staff at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) for their rapid scheduling of these observations. The MeerKAT telescope is operated by SARAO, which is a facility of the National Research Foundation, an agency of the Department of Science and Technology.