INTEGRAL detected the beginning of a new X-ray outburst of BHC IGR J17464-3213
ATel #12007; Sergei A. Grebenev, Ilya A. Mereminskiy (Space Research Institute, Moscow)
on 4 Sep 2018; 13:36 UT
Credential Certification: Sergei Grebenev (
Subjects: Radio, Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Black Hole, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 12046
During the ongoing observations of the Galactic center region with INTEGRAL (in revolution 1995, MJD 58364.3-58365.3) we detected the known transient black-hole system H1743-322/IGR J17464-321 to be at the initial stage of a new X-ray outburst.
We estimated the mean flux from the source during these observations to be 42.3 +/- 1.4 mCrab and 52.6 +/- 3.6 mCrab in the 20-60 keV and 60-150 keV bands respectively comparing it with that from the Crab Nebula (observed in revolution 1987). During the previous (public) observations of the region (Galactic bulge monitoring, PI: Kuulkers) on MJD 58363.6 we have also detected the source but at the marginal level of 21.1 +/- 3.0 mCrab (7 sigma) in the 20-60 keV band. Given the spectral hardness of the source we can assume that it is currently in the low (hard) state typical of the rising stage of its X-ray outbursts.
The previous outburst of this source was observed in the end of July 2017 (ATel #10599, #10751).
Multi-wavelength observations of the source are strongly encouraged.