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SCAT Classifications of 7 Optical Transients

ATel #11919; Michael A. Tucker, Benjamin J. Shappee (IfA, University of Hawai'i), K. Z. Stanek (OSU), Subo Dong, Subhash Bose (KIAA, PKU)
on 6 Aug 2018; 16:45 UT
Credential Certification: Benjamin Shappee (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 12021

The Spectral Classification of Astronomical Transients (SCAT) survey (ATel #11444) present the classifications of 7 optical transients. We report optical spectroscopy (330-970nm) taken with the University of Hawaii 88-inch (UH88) telescope using the SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS). Transients were classified using the SuperNova IDentification code (SNID, Blondin \& Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).

Name         IAU Name   Date Obs.     Type        Phase       Redshift        Notes 
ATLAS18sxr   SN2018eoy  2018-08-06    Ia-norm     -1 (5)      0.0701(0.0056)        
ATLAS18sxt   SN2018epa  2018-08-06    Ia-norm     -3.8(3.2)   0.0401(0.0032)        
ATLAS18szp   SN2018epf  2018-08-06    Ia/b                    0.0377(0.0087)  (1) 
ATLAS18tay   SN2018epw  2018-08-06    Ia-norm     -0.6(4.2)   0.0625(0.0049)       
ATLAS18taz   SN2018epx  2018-08-06    Ia-norm     -1.7(5.0)   0.0238(host)     
PS18bfs      SN2018emf  2018-08-06    Ia-norm     -0.3(4.3)   0.0722(0.0040)   
Gaia18byl    AT2018ems  2018-08-06    star                                    (2) 

1) Only blue channel spectrum available. 2) Likely a stellar flare.