Further follow-up of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn at Observatoire de Haute Provence
ATel #11760; S. Basa (LAM), S. Antier (LAL), M. Boer (Artemis), N. Christensen (Artemis), B. Cordier (CEA), D. Corre (LAM), M. Coughlin (Caltech), D. Coward (UWA), B. Gendre (UWA), X. Han (NAOC), J. Wang (NAOC), A. Klotz (IRAP), N. Leroy (LAL), J. Mao (YNAO), K. Noysena (Artemis), D. Turpin (NAOC), J. Y. Wei (NAOC), C. Wu (NAOC), W. Zheng (UC Berkeley) for GRANDMA team
on 22 Jun 2018; 16:06 UT
Credential Certification: Sarah Antier (antier@lal.in2p3.fr)
Subjects: Optical, Gamma-Ray Burst, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 11796
We observed the field of ATLAS18qqn/AT2018cow (Smartt et al. ATel #11727) with the SDSS g, r, i and z filters with the robotic IRiS 50-cm telescope at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France. Observations started on 2018-06-21 20h22 UT during approximately 2 hours, and the weather was partly cloudy at the end of the observations. Observations were taken as follow: 5 min x 6 for each band.
We measured AB magnitudes (calibrated with the SDSS R9, but not corrected for host galaxy background contamination) as follows:
r_AB = 14.54 +- 0.18
i_AB = 14.37 +- 0.20
These measurements are consistent with our previous observations (Zheng et al., ATel #11743, Wu et al., ATel #11758, Klotz et al., ATel #11757 ) and other photometric reports : Smartt et al. (Atel #11742, #11727), Fremling et al. (ATel #11738), Chen et al. (ATel #11734, #11729)