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Spectroscopic classification of PTSS-18ecg (SN 2018bhb) as a type Ia supernova around maximum

ATel #11632; Jujia Zhang, Xu Ding(YNAO), Xiaofeng Wang, Wenxiong Li (THU), Bin Li (PMO), Zhijian Xu, Hanjie Tan (CCU), Haibin Zhao (PMO), Lifan Wang (PMO/TAMU), Zhitong Li (THU)
on 11 May 2018; 03:51 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Ju-Jia Zhang (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 11635

We obtained an optical spectrum (range 350-890 nm) of PTSS-18ecg (SN 2018bhb), discovered by the PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS, ), on UT 2018 May 10.7 with the Li-Jiang 2.4 m telescope (LJT+YFOSC) at Li-Jiang Observatory of Yunnan Observatories. The spectrum is consistent with that of a type Ia supernova around maximum light. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the "Supernova Identification" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows that it matches with SN 2008ar at t = +1 days from the maximum light. After correcting for a redshift (z~ 0.0536) of the host galaxy CGCG 21-98 an expansion velocity of about 10000 km/s can be derived from the absorption minimum of Si II 635.5 nm.