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ePESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients

ATel #11635; O. McBrien, P. Clark, D. O'Neill, K. W. Smith (QUB), R. Cartier (CTIO), J. Lyman (Warwick), Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska (SRON/RU), G. Leloudas (DARK), T.-W. Chen (MPE), C. Inserra (Southampton), E. Kankare , K. Maguire, S. J. Smartt (QUB), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. R. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann)
on 11 May 2018; 16:03 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Ken Smith (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

ePESSTO, the extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Smartt et al. 2015, A&A, 579, 40 ), reports the following supernova classifications. Targets were supplied by the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team and DPAC (, the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae ASAS-SN (see Shappee et al. 2014, ApJ, 788, 48 and ) and by PMO-Tsinghua Transient Survey (PTSS; ). All observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2018 May 10, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). Classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.

Survey Name  | IAU Name  | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000)  | Disc. Date | Source  | Disc Mag |  z     | Type     | Phase     | Notes 
Gaia18bav    | SN2018bcm | 17 21 55.06 | +29 18 33.5  |  20180425  |  Gaia   |   18.60  | 0.09   |  Ia      | +8 to +10 |  
Gaia18bbq    | SN2018bdg | 11 59 37.00 | +27 31 50.0  |  20180428  |  Gaia   |   18.88  | 0.09   |  Ia-91T  | -5 to -2  | (1) 
ASASSN-18jo  | SN2018bfq | 09 38 14.68 | -08 47 19.5  |  20180504  |  ASASSN |   17.55  | 0.06   |  Ia      | +4 to +7  | 
ZTF18aaphzut | SN2018bgb | 12 29 17.59 | +06 20 28.1  |  20180505  |  ZTF    |   18.76  | 0.086  |  Ia      | +4 to +7  | (2) 
PTSS-18ecg   | SN2018bhb | 15 27 25.21 | -00 26 52.4  |  20180507  |  PTSS   |   17.90  | 0.053  |  Ia      | -3 to +3  | (3) 
Gaia18bek    | SN2018bhc | 16 46 25.29 | +25 25 17.2  |  20180507  |  Gaia   |   17.80  | 0.056  |  Ia      | +8 to +10 | (4) 

(1) AT2018bdg was observed as part of the GREAT survey (Chen et al. ATel #10510), having a black body temperature of T_BB ~ 15600 +/- 1700 K obtained from the photometry taken on 6th May 2018 with griz= 17.99,18.18,18.58,18.72 mag.
(2) Object was previously identified as a probable SN candidate by ZTF (ATel #11615).
(3) Simultaneously classified by PTSS (ATel #11632) with host z=0.053.
(4) Has a host redshift of z=0.056.