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Optical Spectroscopy of TCP J04432130+4721280 (V392 Per) Confirms a Nova Eruption

ATel #11588; R. M. Wagner (LBTO and OSU), D. Terndrup (OSU), M. J. Darnley (LJMU), S. Starrfield (Arizona State), C. E. Woodward (Minnesota), and M. Henze (SDSU)
on 30 Apr 2018; 07:32 UT
Credential Certification: R. Mark Wagner (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 11590, 11594, 11601, 11605, 11617, 11647, 11846, 11872, 11905, 11926, 12951, 13381

Following reports of a new transient of magnitude 6.2 in Perseus on 2018 April 29.4740 UT discovered by Y. Nakamura designated TCP J04432130+4721280 ( and positionally coincident with the previously known U Gem type dwarf nova V392 Per, we obtained an optical spectrum on 2018 April 30.116 UT (range: 396-687 nm; resolution 0.3 nm) with the 2.4 m Hiltner telescope (+OSMOS) of the MDM Observatory on Kitt Peak. The spectrum (see the link below) exhibits broad Hα emission and overlapping Fe II emission lines with P Cygni-type line profiles superposed on a flat continuum. The FWHM of Hα emission is about 5200 km/s and its equivalent width is about 11.5 nm. The center of the blue-shifted Hα absorption component is displaced by about -2680 km/s with respect to the fitted center of the emission component and its equivalent width is about 1.6 nm. Sharp interstellar absorption lines of Na I D1 and D2 are present with equivalent widths of about 0.1 nm. Our spectrum is similar to that obtained by R. Leadbeater on April 29.894 UT ( The spectrum is reminiscent of classical novae early in their outburst and prior to maximum light so the observed amplitude of ~10 mag might be a lower limit. The observational circumstances of V392 Per are becoming difficult so continued optical photometry and spectroscopy to monitor its evolution are strongly encouraged. We note that the object is sun-constrained to Swift for the next 80 days. We thank C. M. Retter for assistance with the observations.

Optical spectrum of V392 Per on 2018 April 30.116 UT