Spectroscopic classification of M31N 2017-11a as a classical nova
ATel #10990; S. C. Williams (Lancaster), M. J. Darnley (LJMU)
on 21 Nov 2017; 16:33 UT
Credential Certification: Steven Williams (scw@astro.ljmu.ac.uk)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
We obtained a spectrum of classical nova candidate M31N 2017-11a (AT2017hvi; see TNS) with the SPRAT spectrograph (resolution R ~ 350; Piascik et al. 2014) on the 2-m Liverpool Telescope (Steele et al. 2004) on 2017 Nov 20.11 UT.
The S/N of the spectrum is relatively poor, but strong emission from Hα and Hβ is clearly detected. We also identify emission lines from the Fe II 42 multiplet. This spectrum therefore confirms M31N 2017-11a is a classical nova in M31 and member of the Fe II spectroscopic class.