Spectroscopic classifications of optical transients with du Pont
ATel #10889; S. Bose (KIAA-PKU), M. Seibert (Carnegie), J. L. Prieto (UDP), B. Shappee (Hawaii), Subo Dong, Ping Chen (KIAA-PKU)
on 24 Oct 2017; 18:34 UT
Credential Certification: Subhash Bose (bose@pku.edu.cn)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 10979
We report spectroscopic observations of five optical transients ASASSN-17nn/2017hks, Gaia17cha/2017gra, ATLAS17lsr/2017hca, Gaia17cqn/2017hlx and ATLAS17mmm/2017hni using the du Pont 2.5-m telescope (+ WFCCD) at Las Campanas Observatory. The targets were discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), Gaia Alerts (http://gsaweb.ast.cam.ac.uk/alerts/alertsindex) and the ATLAS survey, see Tonry et al. (2011, PASP, 123, 58) and Tonry et al. (ATel #8680). We used SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) to identify the type and phase of the SN spectra.
Survey Name | IAU Name | Obsv. Date | Spec. Type | Phase (w.r.t max) | Redshift | Notes
ASASSN-17nn | SN 2017hks | 2017-10-20.05 | Ia-91T | +15 to +20 days | 0.052 | (1)
Gaia17cha | SN 2017gra | 2017-10-20.19 | IIn | ----- | 0.0658 | (2)
ATLAS17lsr | SN 2017hca | 2017-10-21.37 | II | ----- | 0.0134(NED) | (3)
Gaia17cqn | SN 2017hlx | 2017-10-22.31 | II | ----- | 0.0162(NED) | (4)
ATLAS17mmm | SN 2017hni | 2017-10-23.49 | CV | ----- | 0.0 |
(1) The spectrum matches with several type Ia-91T SNe 2003fa, 2001V, 1998es.
(2) The narrow emission lines in the spectrum are consistent with SNe IIn at a redshift of 0.0658.
(3) Resembles evolved SN II spectrum with well developed metallic P-Cygni profiles. The H_alpha profile has relatively shallow absorption counterpart.
(4) Resembles evolved SN II spectrum with well developed metallic P-Cygni profiles.
This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED),
which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.