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Rapid re-brightening of galactic nova ASASSN-17hx

ATel #10725; A. Kurtenkov, M. Napetova (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgaria), T. Tomov (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland)
on 10 Sep 2017; 05:20 UT
Credential Certification: Kiril Stoyanov (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 10736

We report a rapid brightness increase of the slow galactic nova ASASSN-17hx = Nova Scuti 2017 (ATel #10523, #10527, #10542, #10552, #10558, #10572, #10613, #10636, #10641) ~40 days after its maximum. Photometric observations were carried out with the 50/70 cm Schmidt telescope of the Rozhen observatory in Bulgaria. Photometric calibrations in Johnson B and V were done using four bright APASS stars. The following magnitudes were obtained:

Date,UT Bmag Vmag
Sep 06.82 11.50 10.77
Sep 07.80 10.94 10.20
Sep 08.79 10.55 9.78
Sep 09.84 10.22 9.42

Our previous photometric estimate was B=11.63, V=10.93, on Sep 1.75 UT, which shows a >1.4 mag rise in each band. Each photometric datapoint has been calculated as the median magnitude from 5 consecutive images. All errors are 0.02 mag in V-band and 0.03 mag in B-band.

ASASSN-17hx had been slowly decreasing in brightness since its maximum in the end of July. Further photometric observations will show whether we are witnessing the onset of strong GK Per-like oscillations or the rise towards a second strong maximum. This re-brightening also provides the opportunity of obtaining higher-S/N high-resolution spectra before the ground-based visibility window of the object ends towards the end of October.