Dust formation in Nova Oph 2017 (TCP J17394608-2457555)
ATel #10492; Vishal Joshi, D. P. K. Banerjee and Mudit Srivastava (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)
on 14 Jun 2017; 11:35 UT
Credential Certification: Vishal Joshi (vjoshi@prl.res.in)
Subjects: Infra-Red, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova
Referred to by ATel #: 10536
Ongoing NIR observations of Nova Oph 2017 indicate the possible onset of dust formation in Nova Oph 2017. Monitoring in the JHKs bands shows a steady rise in the J-K color from around 1.4 on 5 June 2017 to 2.0 on 13 June 2017. The continuum of the 0.9-2.5 micron spectrum taken on 13 June 2017 also shows a perceptible rise towards the red that was not present earlier This likely implies that the dust formation that was expected in this nova has begun. Further monitoring is needed to establish this firmly. The first overtone CO emission that was detected strongly in emission, soon after discovery (reported in ATel #10369), is now no longer present. No remarkable changes are seen in the emission lines of this slow nova from NIR spectra taken between 12 May to 13 June 2017.