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Nova Oph 2017 (TCP J17394608-2457555) detected at millimeter wavelengths

ATel #10536; T. Kaminski (CfA) & R. Gehrz (Univ. of Minnesota)
on 27 Jun 2017; 11:58 UT
Credential Certification: Tomasz Kaminski (

Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, Nova

Millimeter-wave continuum emission was detected in Nova Oph 2017 (ATel #10366, #10367) with the Submillimeter Array in Hawaii. The object was observed on July 20, 2017 in four spectral ranges: 224.3-232.3, 240.6-248.6, 336-344, and 352-360 GHz. The combined continuum flux in the two lower ranges (i.e., at a wavelength of 1.3 mm) is of 4.8 mJy, well above the noise with an rms of 0.6 mJy per beam. The beam size is of about 3.6 arcsec in these observations. At higher frequencies, i.e. at submillimeter wavelengths, the source is not detected above the noise level with an rms of 2 mJy per beam (2.3 arcsec).

Nova Oph 2017 was observed under an SMA project aiming to detect molecular emission features in classical novae but none was detected in this active nova. Nova Oph 2017 is expected to be a dust producer (ATel #10369, #10492). The millimeter-wave emission is very likely produced by the free-free mechanism, as in other classical novae.

We encourage observations at other radio and millimeter wavelengths.