Swift and Mount Laguna Observatory Photometry of Gaia16buy
ATel #9856; Robert Quimby, Michael Bareian, Nelly Eaves, Anne Hedlund, Ben Kuhn, Melanie Kae Olaes, Sky Phillips, Ryan Rickards Vaught (San Diego State University)
on 13 Dec 2016; 22:22 UT
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (rquimby@mail.sdsu.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We observed the Type IIn supernova, Gaia16buy, (Kangas et al. ATel
#9836) between 2016 Nov 19 and 2016 Dec 10 in the B, V, and R bands
with the Mount Laguna Observatory 1m telescope as part of the
Astronomy 680 graduate course. The source brightened significantly from
the discovery magnitude (g=17.95; Gaia)
and reached V=17.06 +/- 0.04 on 2016 Dec 3.11 (UT). The target
continued to brighten in the R band, reaching R=16.89 +/- 0.02 on 2016
Dec 10.10 (UT), our last observation. Correcting for Galactic
extinction and redshift, this implies an absolute magnitude of M_R =
Gaia16buy was observed by Swift on 2016 Dec 7 (UT). Neglecting
contamination from the faint (g=20.43) host galaxy, we measure the
following preliminary UVOT (Vega) magnitudes:
MJD FILT Mag Mag _err
57730.3984 V 17.24 0.14
57730.3917 B 17.78 0.11
57730.3903 U 16.80 0.07
57730.3883 UVW1 17.22 0.08
57730.4009 UVM2 17.43 0.09
57730.3950 UVW2 17.59 0.06
We thank the Swift team for scheduling these ToO observations.