M31 Nova Candidate
ATel #971; WeCAPP: A. Riffeser, S. Wilke, C. Ries (University Observatory Munich)
on 22 Dec 2006; 16:14 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Arno Riffeser (arri@usm.uni-muenchen.de)
We report the discovery of a possible Nova in M31 at JD 2454090.357
(2006, Dez. 20.857 UT) detected with 17.8 mag at a position RA
00:42:21.09 DEC +41:13:45.3 J2000.0 on two 300-sec R-filtered CCD
images obtained with the 0.8-m Ritchey-Chretien f/12.4 telescope at
Wendelstein Observatory, Germany, using the MONochromatic Image CAmera
with a Tektronix (SITe) TK1024 1kx1k chip with 24mu
sq. pixels. Positional uncertainty is given as 0".1. Previous
measurements show that the source was already present on JD
2454085.443 (2006 Dez. 15.943 UT) with 19.6 mag excess magnitude. At
JD 2454084.38 (2006 Dez. 14.88 UT) no object at the position of the
nova (limiting magnitude 21.7 in R) was visible.