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Spectroscopic Confirmation of MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8 as a Classical Nova in the SMC

ATel #9628; S. C. Williams (Lancaster), M. J. Darnley (LJMU)
on 15 Oct 2016; 10:40 UT
Credential Certification: Steven Williams (

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 9631, 9635, 9688, 12385

We obtained a spectrum of the Small Magellanic Cloud nova candidate MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8 (ATel #9621, #9622) with the FLOYDS instrument on the 2m Faulkes Telescope South (Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia) on 2016 Oct 14.70 UT. The spectral range covers 3200 Å to 1.1 μm at an approximate resolution of R ~ 500.

The spectrum shows strong Balmer emission (Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Hδ, Hε, H8 and H9) and we measure the FWHM from Hα and Hβ to be ~ 3700 km/s. The next strongest features in the spectrum are the O I emission lines at 7774 and 8446 Å. We also detect the N I multiplets around 8212, 8617, 8692 and 9395 Å, all in emission, however we note that the 8212 Å line may be blended with O I and the 9395 Å line may be blended C I. The N II (3) multiplet at around 5679 Å is seen in emission, as are the N II multiplets at 5001 and 5938 Å, although it is possible the 5001 line may be blended with He I. He I emission does appear to be present at 5876 Å, although this could be affected by Na I (D) emission. The N III/C III `4640' complex is also seen in emission, but this is accompanied by a weak P-Cygni absorption component. There is a possible weak detection of the Fe II 5169 Å line (the 4924 and 5018 Å lines of the 42 triplet would be blended with other emission lines).

This spectrum confirms MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8 is a classical nova eruption in the SMC and we classify it as a member of the He/N spectroscopic class. We note that this is the first nova observed in the SMC since 2012 and further follow-up observations are strongly encouraged.