Spectroscopic Classification of MASTER OT J222817.90-145657.4 as a dwarf nova outburst
ATel #9553; I. A.Steele (LJMU), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), C. G. Mundell (Bath), A. Gomboc (U. Nova Gorica), J. Japelj (INAF-OAT)
on 27 Sep 2016; 08:31 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Iain Steele (iainsteele@mac.com)
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray
We report optical spectroscopy of the MASTER optical transient (Atel #9548, GCN 19938, GCN 19939, GCN 19941)
which is a possible optical counterpart to the FERMI GBM trigger 496473540 (GRB160925A).
The optical transient has the ID MASTER OT J222817.90-145657.4.
A low resolution (R~350) optical (400-800nm) spectrum was obtained
using the SPRAT spectrograph of the Liverpool Telescope (La Palma) on 26-09-16 at 21:25:49 UT.
The 300 second exposure shows a strong, blue continuum with clear H-beta and H-gamma absorption
lines at zero redshift. H-alpha is not present either in emission or absorption (implying
a degree of H-alpha emission). The spectrum is consistent with
a dwarf nova during outburst and therefore not likely to be associated with the Fermi trigger.
Liverpool Telescope