The optical counterpart to XMMU J004855.5-734946
ATel #9198; M. J. Coe (Southampton), V. McBride (UCT/SAAO), F. Haberl (MPE), A. Bird (Southampton), A. Udalski (Warsaw)
on 28 Jun 2016; 18:47 UT
Credential Certification: Malcolm Coe (
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient
The source, XMMU J004855.5-734946, reported to be currently exhibiting an X-ray outburst in ATel #9197, has an optical counterpart in the OGLE IV database, SMC720.11 13342, proposed by McBride et al (2016, in prep).
The source has a V band magnitude of 14.9 and exhibits strong modulation at a period of 36.43d which we interpret as clear evidence of a binary period. Furthermore our spectrscopic observations identify the optical source as a B0 IV-Ve star, typical of HMXB systems in the SMC.