Two possible active supernovae in IC 2150
ATel #8851; Stu Parker, Greg Bock, Peter Marples, Colin Drescher, Patrick Pearl and the BOSS team; Carlos Contreras, Mark Phillips, Nidia Morrell (LCO), Eric Hsiao (FSU) and the Carnegie Supernova Project
on 22 Mar 2016; 02:28 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Eric Hsiao (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 8864
Stu Parker and the BOSS team report the discovery of a rare event involving two possible active supernovae in IC 2150 (z=0.010404; NED) which were recorded in images obtained by Stu Parker during the ongoing program by the Backyard Observatory Supernova Search (BOSS) team. Images taken on 20th Mar 2016 with a 30-cm Astro-Tech AT12RC Ritchey-Chretien astrograph (+ ST10 camera) at Parkdale Observatory in Oxford, New Zealand show two new transient point sources which were reported on the TNS site by Stu Parker as 2016bfv and 2016bfu at positions:
AT 2016bfv RA=05:51:18.06, DEC=-38:18:53.20 at discovery magnitude 16.4 clear filter
AT 2016bfu RA=05:51:15.48, DEC=-38:19:02.20 at discovery magnitude 15.7 clear filter
Nothing was visible in images obtained at the same observatory and telescope on 23rd Feb 2016 (V>18.5).
The two candidates are confirmed in cloudy conditions on 22nd Mar 2016 using the Swope 1-m telescope (+e2v CCD) at the Las Campanas Observatory.