Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of IGR J17091-3624 - upper limit
ATel #8821; E. Egron (INAF-OAC), M. Pilia (INAF-OAC), M. Bachetti (INAF-OAC), M. N. Iacolina (INAF-OAC), A. Pellizzoni (INAF-OAC), A. Trois (INAF-OAC), S. Loru (INAF-OAC), A. Navarrini (INAF-OAC), R. Ballhausen (Remeis/FAU/ECAP), S. Corbel (AIM/CEA), W. Eikmann (Remeis/FAU/ECAP), F. Fuerst (CalTech), V. Grinberg (MIT), I. Kreykenbohm (Remeis/FAU/ECAP), M. Marongiu (INAF-OAC), M. Nowak (MIT), A. Possenti (INAF-OAC), K. Pottschmidt (CRESST/GSFC/UMBC), J. Rodriguez (AIM/CEA), J. Wilms (Remeis/FAU/ECAP)
on 15 Mar 2016; 19:23 UT
Credential Certification: Matteo Bachetti (
Subjects: Radio, Black Hole
Referred to by ATel #: 8834
After about 3 years of quiescence, a renew of activity of the Galactic
black-hole low mass X-ray binary IGR J17091-3624 was detected by Swift/BAT
(Miller et al. 2016, ATel #8742) on 2016 February 26. The transient source
was then monitored by Swift/XRT and INTEGRAL (Grinberg et al. 2016,
#8761), which clearly indicated that the source was in the hard state.
Optical/NIR and subsequent Swift/XRT observations were carried out on 2016
March 7 (Greiner et al. 2016, ATel #8795).
This source does not follow the standard X-ray/radio correlation
(Rodriguez et al., 2011, A&A, 533, L4). In order to constrain the radio
flux, we performed observations of this transient source on 2016 March 14
between UT 05:18 and 06:51 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope
(, in the frame of the Early science program
related to the monitoring of X-ray binaries with SRT (PI Egron). Observations were
performed at 7.2 GHz, using the Sardara (Roach2) back-end and a bandwidth
of 680 MHz. We performed rectangular On-the-fly maps in the RA and DEC
directions (0.5 x 0.14 degrees). The source was not detected at the expected
position. The rms of the (background) flux in a circular area with radius 2.7' surrounding the position (two times the beam size at 7.2 GHz) was 4 mJy. Note that IGR J17091-3624 was very low in elevation at the SRT site, reaching a maximum of 14 degrees.