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ATLAS discoveries of optical transients

ATel #8805; J. Tonry, L. Denneau, B. Stalder, A. Heinze, A. Sherstyuk (IfA, University of Hawaii), A. Rest (STScI), K. W. Smith, S. J. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast)
on 12 Mar 2016; 13:26 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Stephen Smartt (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report the following transients found by the ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. ATel #8680). ATLAS is a twin 0.5m telescope system on Haleakala and Mauna Loa. The first unit is robotically operational on Haleakala (see ). Two filters are used, cyan and orange (denoted c and o, all mags in AB system).

We summarise discoveries and detections from 1st March 2016 which are likely supernovae. We require detections over two nights and therefore our reporting latency is 2-5 days depending on observational repeat time. This will reduce with more reliable false positive rejection. All of the following have been reported to the IAU TNS. Discovery Date in table is MJD of first ATLAS detection (1st Mar 2016 == MJD 57448)

SN2016asf was discovered by ASASSN as ASASSN-16cs (Cruz et al. ATel #8784). It was detected by ATLAS at an estimated -15d before peak and data are available on request.

Name      | ATLAS Name | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc Mag |   z    |  Type | Notes 
AT2016ayi | ATLAS16aen | 12:20:38.72 | +28:38:17.3 |  57450.51  |  18.71 c | 0.0276 |       |  1.  
AT2016ayj | ATLAS16aee | 03:06:45.08 | +46:09:13.2 |  57448.29  |  17.18 c |        |       |  2.  
SN2016asf | ATLAS16aep | 06:50:36.74 | +31:06:44.7 |  57450.34  |  18.05 c | 0.021  |  Ia   |  3.  
AT2016ayl | ATLAS16acu | 05:14:00.66 | +55:21:58.0 |  57448.30  |  17.13 c |        |       |  4.  
AT2016aym | ATLAS16acs | 07:20:21.81 | +46:28:08.1 |  57440.33  |  17.78 o |        |       |  5. 
AT2016ayn | ATLAS16acw | 07:31:27.19 | +41:02:57.0 |  57440.35  |  17.89 o |        |       |  6.  
AT2016ayo | ATLAS16acx | 10:58:23.11 | +55:37:08.8 |  57440.46  |  17.76 o | 0.047  |       |  7. 
AT2016ayp | ATLAS16ade | 01:36:00.62 | +34:11:04.0 |  57442.27  |  17.60 o |        |       |  8.  
AT2016ayq | ATLAS16ada | 02:33:21.66 | +22:07:16.2 |  57450.23  |  17.69 c |        |       |  9.  
SN2016auf | ATLAS16ads | 03:09:50.70 | +33:39:01.7 |  57442.33  |  17.66 o | 0.03   |  Ia   |  10.  
AT2016ayr | ATLAS16adb | 05:41:29.98 | +29:24:43.7 |  57442.29  |  16.29 o |        |       |  11.  
AT2016ays | ATLAS16aed | 07:54:02.95 | -01:13:56.7 |  57445.38  |  17.38 o |        |       |  12. 
AT2016ayt | ATLAS16aez | 13:29:34.94 | -30:32:42.1 |  57453.54  |  17.85 c | 0.0483 |       |  13.  
AT2016ayu | ATLAS16afa | 05:48:31.22 | -20:47:51.7 |  57446.32  |  18.51 o |        |       |  14.  

1. 20 arsec from likely host galaxy SDSS J122037.63+283803 at z=0.0276. Also discovered as CSS160227-122039+283816 2. Faint host object in Pan-STARRS1 3Pi stack. Faint compact galaxy or star. 3. Discovered and announced as ASASSN-16cs (confirmed as SN2016asf), our first detected point on 02-Mar-2016 is 4 days before the ASASSN discovery and -15d before estimated max light (TNS Classification Report #145 by D. Balam). 4. Faint host object in Pan-STARRS1 3Pi stack. Faint compact galaxy or star. 5. 4.7 arcsec from likely host galaxy 2MASX J07202203+4628125 (no redshift) 6. Hostless in SDSS. Faint source in the Pan-STARRS1 3Pi stack. Faint host SN or high amplitude stellar outburst. Also discovered as CSS160303-073127+410257. 7. 4.1 arcsec from likely host galaxy CGCG 267-029 at z=0.0470 8. 7.8 arcsec from likely host galaxy KUG 0133+339. Discovered by Gaia on 01-03-2016 as Gaia16agy. m=15.5 or brighter now. 9. 5 arcsec from likely host galaxy SDSS J023321.32+220709 (no redshift) 10. Announced and classified by ATLAS team in Tonry et al. ATel #8792 11. No host object visible in SDSS or Pan-STARRS1 3Pi stack. Faint host SN or high amplitude stellar outburst, has faded to m=17.9 +/- 0.1. 12. Discovered as MASTERJ075402.95-011355.8 on 2016-03-01 (Vladimirov et al. Atel #8786). Faint SDSS host source, r=21.8, probable galaxy. Faded to m=18.4 13. 2 arcsec from likely host galaxy 2MASX J13293476-3032437 at z=0.0483 14. Extended uncatalogued galaxy visible in the PS1 3Pi stack (no redshift).