SALT spectroscopic classification of PS16atu (SN 2016atv) as a type-Ia supernova after maximum light
ATel #8799; S. W. Jha (Rutgers), Y.-C. Pan, R. J. Foley (Illinois), A. Rest (STScI), D. Scolnic (Chicago/KICP), M. Kotze (SAAO/SALT)
on 10 Mar 2016; 10:39 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Saurabh Jha (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We obtained SALT (+RSS) spectroscopy of PS16atu (SN 2016atv) on 2016
Mar 10.1 UT, covering the wavelength range 350-920
nm. Cross-correlation of the spectrum with a template library using
SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows PS16atu is a type-Ia
supernova approximately a week past maximum light. Superimposed narrow
emission lines from the host galaxy yield a redshift z = 0.045. The
expansion velocity of the supernova measured by the trough of the Si
II (rest 635.5 nm) line is 9,900 km/s.
The spectrum is posted on the Transient Name
PS16atu was discovered as part of the Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients
(Huber et al. 2015, ATel #7153). Information on all PSST objects is
available at