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Classification of Gaia16agf as a pre-max Ia supernova

ATel #8754; M. Dennefeld (IAP and UPMC), N. Elias-Rosa (INAF-Padova), E. Johnston and F. Selman (ESO), and the NEON school PhD/PostDoc students G. Couto (UFRGS-Porto Alegre), P. Longa-Pena (Univ. Antofagasta), P. Novais (IAG- Sao Paulo) and C. Ricci (PUC-Santiago)
on 29 Feb 2016; 14:52 UT
Credential Certification: Michel Dennefeld (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report the classification of the SN candidate Gaia16agf (supplied by ESA Gaia, DPAC and the Photometric Science Alerts Team (, detected on 2016 Feb. 27th, 06:41 UT). The observations were performed with the ESO New Technology Telescope at LaSilla on 2016 February 29th 02:38 UT, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315, 18A resolution). The classification was done using GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383). Gaia 16agf is a young type Ia Supernova, about 1 week before maximum light, at z~ 0.03. From the SiII 6355 absorption, we derive an expansion velocity of 15600 km/s.