CSP Spectroscopic Classification of LSQ16oi
ATel #8726; N. Morrell, M. Phillips (LCO), P. Lira (U. Chile), N. Ellman, C. Baltay, D. Rabinowitz, S. Rostami (Yale), E. Y. Hsiao (FSU)
on 24 Feb 2016; 14:13 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Eric Hsiao (hsiao@physics.fsu.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report the spectroscopic classification of a La Silla-QUEST (LSQ) supernova (Baltay et al. 2013, PASP, 125, 683) taken using WFCCD on the 2.5-m du Pont Telescope as part of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP). LSQ16oi was discovered on 10 Feb 2016 with a V-band magnitude of 19.1 at RA=10:00:29.23 Dec=09:14:35.52. A spectrum obtained using WFCCD on 12 Feb 2016 shows the object to be a Type Ia supernova. Cross-correlation with the "Supernova Identification" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) reveals the best matches to be the normal Type Ia supernova SN 1995E at 1 day before maximum. SNID also suggests a redshift of 0.15 which corresponds to a photospheric velocity of ~12,000 km/s as measured from the minimum of the Si II 6355 feature.