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INTEGRAL Observations of Activity in EXO 2030+375

ATel #868; M. L. McCollough (CfA), M. Turler (ISDC, Geneva), D. Willis (MPE, Garching / ISDC, Geneva), S. E. Shaw (Southampton, UK / ISDC, Geneva)
on 27 Jul 2006; 20:29 UT
Credential Certification: M. L. McCollough (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star

Referred to by ATel #: 877

The Be/neutron star binary EXO 2030+375 was in the field of view of INTEGRAL from July 26 at 6:00 UT to July 27 at 11:56 UT during a target of opportunity observation of Cyg X-3 consisting of 50 pointings of 2 ksec. The major outburst of the source reported by Corbet & Levine (ATel #843) and by Krimm et al. (ATel #861) is found to be still on-going with no sign of fading. The table below summarizes the count rates obtained in single pointings (For JEM-X 1 considering only results for source off-axis angles below 3 degrees):

Instrument Energy band Rate (min-max) 1 Crab
JEM-X 1 3-10 keV 41-47 cts/s 65 cts/s
JEM-X 1 10-20 keV 21-25 cts/s 21 cts/s
IBIS/ISGRI 20-40 keV 95-113 cts/s 109 cts/s
IBIS/ISGRI 40-80 keV 26-31 cts/s 62 cts/s

We note that the source reached the 1 Crab flux level around about 20 keV. The observations limit the time variability of the source to less than 10% on the time-scales considered here (2 ksec sampling over one day).