OGLE-IV Transient Search summary of season 2015b - continuation of ATEL#8484
ATel #8485; L. Wyrzykowski, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, J. Klencki, M. Sitek, P. Mroz, A. Udalski, S. Kozlowski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, M. K. Szymanski, G. Pietrzynski, I. Soszynski, K. Ulaczyk, P. Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland) on behalf of the OGLE team
on 31 Dec 2015; 15:26 UT
Credential Certification: Lukasz Wyrzykowski (wyrzykow@astrouw.edu.pl)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 8486
List continued from ATEL#8484
Name RA(J2000.0) Dec(J2000.0) discovery_JD discovery_Imag Notes
OGLE15gu 0:02:46.91 -73:30:42.7 2457278.69104 19.522
OGLE15gv 5:28:55.77 -59:53:34.2 2457282.87225 19.036
OGLE15gw 6:02:35.40 -64:50:40.6 2457282.88441 19.378
OGLE15gx 0:42:09.19 -77:36:04.3 2457283.68360 19.453
OGLE15gy 4:54:28.14 -66:25:36.6 2457283.81080 19.804
OGLE15gz 0:49:35.78 -64:28:34.6 2457283.70845 18.123
OGLE15ha 2:54:18.36 -67:46:28.0 2457277.84520 19.396
OGLE15hb 5:55:27.74 -66:47:58.8 2457282.90641 20.505
OGLE15hg 0:44:01.16 -64:08:21.3 2457283.70845 24.259
OGLE15hy 5:22:53.40 -61:38:04.5 2457274.90396 20.673
OGLE15ib 23:50:09.21 -69:09:55.2 2457283.66440 19.170
OGLE15ic 1:10:17.69 -69:55:25.9 2457277.79148 18.239
OGLE15ik 6:14:46.21 -66:13:00.7 2457290.89602 17.160
OGLE15iy 5:04:34.21 -73:49:27.0 2457291.88740 18.837
OGLE15jb 5:45:35.83 -64:08:34.9 2457291.90017 18.898
OGLE15jy 6:00:44.63 -72:38:30.3 2457293.83537 19.641
OGLE15kc 6:52:03.07 -70:41:26.8 2457293.89145 19.081
OGLE15kg 4:37:28.20 -70:53:17.0 2457294.75638 19.626
OGLE15kq 4:04:36.74 -69:18:48.9 2457288.83425 19.574
OGLE15kk 23:42:17.74 -67:58:00.1 2457295.63762 18.947
OGLE15la 7:36:15.82 -69:30:24.3 2457297.87614 19.085
OGLE15lb 3:42:35.78 -72:57:08.9 2457295.72505 20.040
OGLE15lc 5:55:26.55 -65:44:27.6 2457295.84832 19.732
OGLE15ld 5:22:53.40 -61:38:04.4 2457295.80933 19.765
OGLE15le 5:02:44.10 -79:43:15.0 2457295.81369 19.999
OGLE15lf 4:04:36.74 -69:18:48.9 2457295.70958 19.498
OGLE15lg 0:59:13.42 -66:16:05.0 2457294.69002 19.572
OGLE15lm 2:03:05.66 -67:21:07.2 2457298.74357 19.832
OGLE15ln 2:46:24.98 -64:54:30.7 2457298.77632 19.952
OGLE15lo 3:33:09.91 -64:07:15.2 2457298.81415 19.747
OGLE15lr 4:44:19.78 -65:44:23.4 2457302.85147 19.118
OGLE15mg 2:09:02.37 -73:24:41.8 2457300.73040 20.310
OGLE15ne 5:37:23.58 -62:41:12.3 2457311.83367 19.471
OGLE15ng 0:22:19.89 -75:12:26.4 2457312.62991 19.513
OGLE15no 5:02:40.92 -68:28:52.4 2457312.79166 18.498
OGLE15nq 6:04:32.92 -70:48:40.8 2457312.83855 19.972
OGLE15ny 23:56:29.37 -79:49:29.8 2457318.62663 18.506
OGLE15oa 4:36:25.64 -62:47:51.8 2457318.76243 18.741
OGLE15om 3:19:00.00 -64:40:40.3 2457317.68868 20.104
OGLE15os 4:05:37.37 -67:02:55.7 2457318.71957 19.992
OGLE15ot 23:15:44.01 -77:31:29.2 2457318.60934 20.383
OGLE15ou 2:55:12.03 -70:41:19.2 2457318.69371 18.967
OGLE15ov 3:06:01.40 -67:08:22.9 2457322.68637 20.347
OGLE15pf 5:17:12.38 -71:52:39.7 2457325.78585 18.444
OGLE15pu 0:26:41.63 -63:41:44.5 2457325.58600 20.289
OGLE15qk 3:30:00.33 -71:30:08.6 2457324.69908 21.426
OGLE15qo 4:09:40.21 -74:35:54.8 2457324.72378 18.590
OGLE15qy 2:44:59.88 -70:53:44.5 2457339.66174 20.400
OGLE15qz 3:08:35.88 -70:30:41.7 2457339.67226 19.786 SLSN-Ic (z=0.59) hostless ATEL#8296, ATEL#8314
OGLE15ra 0:45:54.93 -72:27:23.2 2457339.58743 19.696
OGLE15rb 5:12:52.03 -61:52:00.3 2457340.74221 19.301
OGLE15rc 4:59:27.51 -60:16:46.6 2457340.73547 18.797
OGLE15rd 0:29:34.51 -67:59:52.3 2457340.56877 19.794
OGLE15rw 6:27:24.94 -67:31:50.1 2457342.77767 19.111
OGLE15rx 4:44:26.99 -67:40:16.4 2457342.72258 20.182
OGLE15ry 4:05:33.79 -65:05:48.6 2457341.71825 19.960
OGLE15sd 1:42:21.47 -71:47:15.6 2457339.62646 20.054 SLSN (z=0.56) faint host, ATEL#8369
list continued in the next ATEL.
Finding charts and light curves are available here in the lighter version: http://ogle.astrouw.edu.pl/ogle4/transients/transients-lite.html
Additional information on OGLE supernovae and references to ATELs are available here: http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/snimages/index.html
Finding charts and light curves are available here